Saturday, March 15, 2008

Push Up Plan

I recently tested myself on how many push - ups I could do. The number was drastically lower than I expected it to be. So I decided to make a simple plan for increasing my push-up power and endurance.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
10 reps X 5 sets regular push ups
3 reps X 3 sets pseudo push ups

Tuesday, Thursday
5 reps X 5 sets diamond push ups
3 reps X 5 sets ring push ups

5 reps regular push ups
5 reps pseudo push ups
5 reps diamond push ups
5 reps ring push ups

Simple Veg*n Breakfast #1

Every now and again I will be posting a simple vegetarian meal plan. Very simple and nutritious.

Today's plan was just for breakfast.

1 Cup of Green Tea
1 Red Delicious Apple
1 Bowl of Oatmeal

Like I said simple.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Vegetarian Carnival Entry - Why? How?

This is the story of how I became a vegetarian.

A couple of months ago at a long band practice I was talking to one of my friends who is a percussionist like me. He is in a Screamo band, he's reckless, lacks common sense, and loves attention. He recently made a bomb threat in our school, it cause a lot of trouble for him and his family but the bomb was fake. His idea of a joke.

Anyway, I set out to explain this person a head of time because he is the one who convinced my to try vegetarianism. He actually dared me to do if for a week and so not turning down this challenge I became a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I did well on my first six days, but absentmindedly the seventh day I ate beef jerky. That was the last time in almost six months that I ate meat.

In my first six days of vegetarianism my entire mindset about life changed. I didn't care if an animal was tortured or killed. I really wouldn't have cared if this happened to a person, even a close friend or family member. Now, I believe that ALL life is sacred, animals and people alike.

After learning the health benefits of vegetarianism, I saw how easy it is to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. I began working out, running, skateboarding, and also making new friends. I have met many other vegetarians, a very small petite girl (who is very annoying), a workout buddy who is aspiring to become a body builder, as well as many others who would take too much time to talk about. Vegetarianism changed my life.

I realized in this journey of enlightenment that anyone can be a vegetarian and also that if you are a vegetarian doesn't mean that you are small, weak, annoying, or stupid.

This post is for Vegetarian Blog Carnival

Xtreme Rings - Review

These things are great. I just hung them over my pull up bar for a temporary installation.

I was really surprised by how much more difficult they make exercises. The fact that they are not a stable object means that you have to stabilize them which works a lot of muscles that we don't normally focus on.

Also they are fun, I'm not great at doing anything on them yet, but it reminds me of recess back in third grade. Anyway a few of the things you can do with these:

Bodyweight Rows
Pull ups
Push ups
Ring Flys
Muscle ups
and all other still rings gymnastics moves

My only complaint about this set was the cam buckles. One of them kept slipping, the grip just couldn't support my 153 lbs. Well I found a quick fix, the problem was that the grip wasn't all the way over the strap, so I just pushed it in a little and all was well.

Also the straps are a little long for my basement, but I think they will be useful in the future.

Xtreme Rings - Black Currently $49.99

5/5 Rating from me

Xtreme Rings

I ordered some Xtreme Rings - Black from Gymnastic Bodies on Saturday. They are supposed to be here today soooo, everytime I hear something outside I rush to the window looking for the UPS guy.

Check out Coach Sommer's Website - Gymnastic Bodies

Amazing site, some great articles and personalized advice for the time being.

I'll give an update on the rings when they get here.

First Post

I am:

A lacto - ovo vegetarian.

I started this blog so that I can track my progress in gymnastics, provide helpful information to all of my currently non-existent readers, and give myself incentive to continue to exercise and eat healthy.