Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Movement Blog

After serious reconsideration I have decided to change the name of my blog to "Movement." This eliminates me from calling every move as "parkour," "freerunning," or "gymnastics." My new philosophy and discipline is just Movement in general. Not limiting myself to a name or classification.

Movement is my training for my body, I will also include training for my mind. Meditation will be the training for my mind. A time to relax and clear my mind.

Along with this change I plan on making more posts that deal with health and conditioning.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

4/19/08 Parkour

So, our group met up at a local park. The number of attendees including myself was 3.

Not a great turnout but more than last time.

We ended up having a couple of drunk college kids yelling, "You dumb#@% kids get the %^&# down," while leaning out their third story window smoking who knows what. Other than that it was a good day for training parkour.

We mainly worked on rolls and some theory. The other two participants didn't really know what they were doing. We are having our next meetup on saturday the 26th. Hopefully we will have more people attend at that time.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So. Something happened and everyone bailed on my in the last second for last week. This weekend though I passed out fliers and have more people planning to attend. I also Have gone out to the spot we will be training and trained parkour with a few of the people who are most interested.

I can almost kong over picnic table sideways. I think its good for only 2 hours of training. I got my pk roll down pretty good. Can't wait till Saturday.

In prayer,

Friday, April 4, 2008

First Parkour Jam

So, I finally got a few people interested in Parkour. We are going out to UCM Campus to train on Sunday. Should be fun, none of us have done it before so it will be interesting too.

I'll report back afterwards.
